Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fall Frenzy

Reasons why Trader Joe's is awesome... good prices on AMAZINGLY YUMMY FOOD!!! 

I found this gem when staring at the cereal isle for at least 20mins, yummy to the max as you'll see below.... I've put it on yogurt every chance I have! 

TaDa! Breakfast after a non workout - workout day.... let me explain. Weds was supposed to be an off day and I should have just sat myself down and written a blog post or pintrested for hours before work but I didn't. I hopped on the treadmill and walked till I felt a strange ache in my leg then freaked out and lifted a few weights. If I would have just rested and recovered yesterday I can only imagine I wouldn't be on the couch this morning taking another COMPLETE rest day. ok i'm done (: 

Just my new drink obsession.... Thank you Costco now I can buy wayy too many and thats fine with me!! 

I've lately been so hungry before lunch that i'm practically required to pack a snack! Yes those strawberries were amazingggg!!! 

Lunch at my desk again!! :( so much to do and I love being able to leave early so I can fit some outdoor adventures into my day. But now that the days are getting shorter it actually makes me kinda sad!! 

Afternoon snack time.... yes I said I was obsessed with that granola!! ALL HONESTY HERE!!

30 mins left!!

It's all good!! 

So I texted Britt on the way home from work and HIGHLY suggested Sweet Tomatoes for dinner..... and below is the WORLDS LARGEST SALAD BECAUSE OF IT!!!! 

sweet potato yummyness

SMORES BROWNIES FOR DESERT!!! so much for that whole limiting my desert intake..... who cares (: 

Hummm this happened, Michael's obsession resurfaced.... My brain keeps preparing itself for the cooler fall weather and changing leaves and pumpkin pies... but in FL apparently that doesn't happen so I at least have to make my room feel like home (:  

So proud of this purchase, Lantern at Target 5 bucks!!! 

michael's mini pumpkins 

fall garland

yes flameless because I feel safer with that in the lantern....

Putting it all together! 

TaDa! WaLa! Finished FALL Lantern! 

after dinner bikeride with britt!! haha weird face ik! Its all I could do to balance my phone and ride the bike whoops! 


Put some odds and ends on my window shelf!! 

Happy Fall Ya'll!

