Wednesday, September 3, 2014

oooy gooeyest yummest snack (spelling not necessary)

Well my schedule said to take today off, however since I took monday off because I was still so sore from saturdays long run I decided to cross train today which was great but i've felt little twinges in my left leg all day! Maybe its just my brain psyching myself out, I don't know. 

What did I do today: I did a cross training workout for 5 miles at a 7mph pace which in the moment felt fine but hopefully i'm not re injuring my leg. 

 The beautiful sunrise on my way home from the gym. 

Work outfit, new pants from J.Crew are my FAVE!!! 

Hands down this is my favorite lip gloss, my mom gave this to me a while back.... it'll be a sad day when I run out!! 

Lunch packed and heading out the door! 

Haha yeah this happened..... Some times my cravings get the best of me... in this case it was pb and j for dinner with some trader joe's strawberry licorice.  

dinner was good, then it was time to head to trader joes.... needed more licorice haha

Can you spot the rainbow?!?! Made my night!! 

OH MY GOODNESS 100 CALORIE DARK CHOCOLATE?!?! LIFES GOOD! haha didn't make it out of the parking lot with out trying one..... Rachel Approved! 

Whenever you blog a snack is a requirement, in this case it was marshmallow popcorn. Pop some corn then sprinkle with marshmallows and microwave for 30 seconds.... it's the oooy gooeyest yummiest snack in the history of the world! 

Now for some Netflix and a goodnights rest! 

until next time, xo
