Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday Treats


     My workout was a 3 mile easy run followed by a uphill walk all on the treadmill because this FL heat is killing me!! Or at least making me drink more than water than a thirsty CAMEL.... 

Anyways back to my story, so the alarm went off at 5am and I decided to write some goals for my week, kinda a late start to the week but better than never! It's hard for me to actually write goals on paper because i'm afraid of not accomplishing them but I am trying to be better at not being afraid of committing to the daily goals I need to accomplish.

There they are (: 

HAHAH I snapped this pic really quickly this morning.... moments after I drug my bff out of her bed to go workout with me!  She's asked me tooooo! 

Can you say yummy salad?! The walnuts were the perfect touch!

So you know the client meeting I had?! Well to be honest I was so nervous about it!!! I have been helping design a condo and I just didn't know what to expect from the meeting! I went to the meeting and it went just fine!! I had an answer for every question and my new found obsession with organization payed off!! BEST NEWS OF THE DAY ALERT!!!! My manager told me I've been doing an excellent job and she is giving me a raise after three months of employment!!! Just when I was feeling a bit discouraged and questioning my own ability!!! 

I have the most amazing MOM in the WORLD! She sent these two samples to my roommate and I. Kenra ROCKS it has done wonders for my hair.... case in point (above)

Dinner was pasta with scallions and vegan meatballs. I was impressed with the meatballs, now to find other recipes that call for meatballs..... hummm they probably will make an appearance in my salad tomorrow.... just saying (:


Mine was sitting in Starbucks with Britt, taking photos, writting and just enjoyed all the people watching... good times! 

xo Rachel 
